Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Threshold design

Threshold- a moment of transition, from the constrained space (a place where can make people feel constrained, design works get criticize by different people, eg: tutors and students, and the pressures, stress from high workload, hierachys between people) to the space of freedom, the space where you get more close to nature, the space where you can release yourself from work, and everyone is equal.

Using twisting cubes as the shape of its main body, to imply the process of changing and transferring between spaces. Twisting shapes can always gives people the feeling of changing, as an object is being twisted to another different shape.

Interior space:

Using sliding door script to make obstacles move away when a avatar is walking through.

The triangular obstacles are used to suggest the constrained space behind the studio space by blocking the way of avatar, also put scripts to make the black and white texture flowing.

The grouo work of Jin(me) and Leandy

The change of the black to white colour (colour washlight) represent the transition between these 2 spaces, from a space where people gets stressful to a space where you can release yourself, and get more close to the nature. Also implies the idea of death and revival, from somewhere is constrained by stress and hierachy to a space where you can get more approach to nature.

Object made by 3D max: