Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The main ideas about my Green Office

In my green office, i'm usinng the glass walls and the semi-enclosed structure to create an open space for the building, as the interior space gets more interaction with exterior space, therefore people would not feel constrained when they work inside the green office. The idea of green is the most important focus of my design, and most of the textures that I used is related with the green idea, for example: the wooden leaf texture.

Here is some research photos of green buildings which I found when I started to build my office

The purpose of using green lawn areas outside and inside the building is to emphasizing the idea of green in this office and combining the architecture to its surrounded area. The use of the green and blue furnitures would also help to combining them by the interaction of colours used. The colours that used mostly in this building are green and blue, and white for the concrete walls. Which helps to create an clean and refreshing atmosphere within the green office.

The interaction with the building next to it:

interior views of the office:

The textures that i used for my green office

"wooden leaf" texture (using alpha channel)

blue ocean texture

grass texture

These are the texture which related with the idea of green.

--the metal fence (using alpha channel, which replace the "metalgrate"texture)

The interaction with my journals

The introduction of the three journals which related with my green office's design.

1: Construction Law journal
2: Landscape journal
3: Yes! journal

Construction Law journal:

A journal which providing news and practical advice relating to the construction industry and is written by lawyers, barriers, acdemics , insurance and health and safety specialists, who specialised in construction law. It providing expert articles, case notes and commentary on all aspects of construction law.

In this journal, i choose the health and safety issues as the focus of my design. After i get inspired from these issues, i decided to design a sustainable and healthy building which also ensures the safety of people's life who works within this office.

I designed this buiding as a green office, in order to make it a healthy and sustainable building, the material that i used includes wood, concrete, glass and steel for the fences. The green areas around the building makes the office has more interaction with the nature.

for ensuring the safety of people's life, i added the white fences around the office building so people would feel comfortable when they walk in as there has no dangerous area.

2. landscape journal - design, planning and management of the land:
landscape journal dis deeper into field by providing articles from:

* landscape architects * planners
* geographers * architects
* ecologists *artists
*historians * poets

- design of outdoor and public spaces to ahieve environmental, socio-behavioral, and/or aesthetic outcomes.

-The scope of the profession includes:

urban design, site planning, town or urban planning, evironmental restoration, parks and recreation planning, green infrastructure planning and provisio

-imortance of combinning architecture and its surrounded area.

the purpose that i designed the green area around the office is to combine the surrounded environment to the building. So the office would get more interaction with the outdoor space and the theme of nature of my building would also develop with the green areas.

3: Yes! journal - Positive of the future

this journal is about the positive issues (eg: happiness; justice and peace; protection of the planet,), its main idea is about supporting and connect individuals and communities working for a just and sustainable world. It reframe issues, reflect diverse human-scale stories, and offer tools for people to use and to pass along.

For this journal i choose the idea of "planet'' as my focus, and bring in the idea of green into my design. In my office, i'm using the "wooden leaf" texture and "ocean texture"to emphasizing this idea.