Monday, October 18, 2010

Inhabit 1 Design

The brief of “Inhabit” is to design an architectural intervention which influence the spatial quality of OGGB building through occupation. The main idea of my Inhabit 1 design is about using this architectural intervention to influence the movement of people within the basement, hence affect the occupation of the space.

By considering the temporary elements of the space within the basement area, I noticed that the change in amount of people stay in the basement is depends on the time period during the day. When the lecture is finish, lots of people come out from the lectures, and there are also some people sits on the floor to wait for the lecture to be finished. This suggests us that the existing furnitures in the basement doesn’t satisfy people’s bodily needs. The current arrangement of the furnitures in the basement also block the way where people can go straight into the lectures, so people cannot take the most direct path to the lecture theatres, but instead have to go around the furnitures in order to reach the lectures. This suggests the space within the basement is not been used efficiently, hence it has the potential to be improved.

Therefor the arrangement of my design would help to form up the most direct paths which people would use, to provide people with the convenience as they walk through the basement. Therefore the movement of people would be changed, as well as the function of space. For the design itself, as we can see from the section and modle, the function of the design can be easily changed depends on which position the person sits on. These different functions would satisfy people’s different bodily needs(sit, lying down,), and using the chair in front as a table. And these tables&chairs can also be extended by themselve when there is extra need for more tables or chairs by people, in order to fit the temporary change in the space. The part of the design which is connect to the ground would attract people to walk on it, so as they attract by the design, there are going to be more people to use it.

The diagram of the basement of OGGB.

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